Saturday, January 28, 2012

Down to 170.4lbs this morning! :)

That makes me officially 1/3 of the way done with my weight loss and only 5lbs from my new Kindle Fire (that my husband bought and won't let me open until I loose 15lbs total). Mean isn't he?!

I've been doing GREAT in the diet area and TERRIBLE in the workout area. Like....haven't worked out at all.


I know I need too, but 8 hrs of running around the OR wears me out...much less having to work out on top of that?! Nahhhh! Hehe.

I'll give it another shot this upcoming week though because I know my weight loss is going to slow down without it. Boo.

Plus, I went with my hubby and Clark to the pancake festival this morning and that is totally NOT on my diet plan!

Hopefully I can break into the 160's soon! :)

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