Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jan 8, 2012

HI all! I'm so proud of myself...I behaved myself and ate well all week long!

I even brought my "diet" foods with me to my Drill weekend this weekend. The only snaffu I had was today at lunch. Our Commander insisted on taking all the officers out to lunch at Subway. And I caved and had a meatball sub on wheat with a water and baked BBQ chips. Not the WORST thing I could have eaten, but not super healthy either. I was standing there in line with everyone else and I just didn't know what to get. I'm thinking making a list of healthy choices for my "standard" restaurants that I visit might be the thing to do?

Oh, and on Friday am I weighed 175.3! I'm hoping my snaffu this weekend didn't set me back to far....we shall see when I weigh in tomorrow!

Also, I'm thinking I would like to reward myself for when I make healthy food choices. I don't want to base the reward system solely on weight because I'm completely afraid of becoming obsessed with the number on the scale. Maybe a reward every Monday for a week of good eating? Mondays aren't really much fun, so maybe that would give me something to look forward to and keep me motivated to make good food decisions through the weekend?

I just have to keep telling myself....ONE decision at a time!

1 comment:

  1. As I read through this post, I realized I should have read it through for typos...I'm hoping the Grammar Police will forgive me this time around?!


